
Ammolite, with beautiful colours and magnificent brilliance. This 70 millions years old rarest gem
in the world help directing the flow of life energy to improve wealth, health and fortune.

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Ammolite, from an isolated region of Southern Alberta, Canada

Ammolite is formed from a 70 million years old ancient marine fossil named ammonite. According to International Coloured Gemstone Association, though sources of ammonite exist around the world, only those Ammolite found in the isolated region of Southern Alberta in Canada can be recognised as true gemstone.

Ammolite – Classified as Highest Grading Gemstone

Ammolite was given official gemstone status in 1981 and is one of the nature’s rarest gems. Ammolite attracts attention by its beautiful colours and magnificent brilliance. Ammolite is graded on brilliance and variation of the colours and classified as five gradings, including Grade AA, A+, A, A- and B.

  • Grade AA

  • Grade A+

  • Grade A

  • Grade A-

  • Grade B

Ammolite is a blessed gift from nature. Based on myths in different countries,
Ammolite distributes positive energy and brings good fortune and luck.

Mysterious force of the seven colours

Become a business partner of HKAAOS with recognised qualification, you may introduce the rarest
gemstone in the world to your clients.

If you are interested in visiting our store, please feel free to contact us and we will reply you within 24 hours.

+852 2838 3350


Room C&D, 8/F, Emperor Watch and Jewellery Centre, 8 Russell Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

If you are interested in visiting our store, please feel free to
make an appointment with our specialists and we will reply you within 24 hours.