All ammolite gems are unique in brilliance, colours and patterns, a truly wonder of nature.
Ammolite was given official gemstone status in 1981 and is one of the nature’s rarest gems. Ammolite attracts attention by its beautiful colours and magnificent brilliance. Ammolite is graded on brilliance and variation of the colours and classified as five gradings, including Grade AA, A+, A, A- and B.
Grade AA and A+ are the highest quality of ammolite, displaying three or more brilliant colours. Only the top 3 – 8% of ammolite can be graded as Grade AA. For Grade A, two or more distinct colours can be found. For Grade A-, one or more less distinct colours are shown, takes 40% of whole production. Grade B gems are often used for embellish jewellery.
AA 級
A+ 級
A 級
A- 級
b 級
Since more than 90% of the world’s Ammolite has been mined and supplied, it is estimated that high grade Ammolite will be exhausted within the next 20 years. Museums in different countries are willing to buy the highest grading Ammolite but the supply is limited.